About me
My name is Arthur Miles and I am a media expert in aviation, travel and photography.
This is an author’s project about travel and aviation, unusual places, bright ideas and useful tips.
From budget backpacker trips and hitchhiking to unique hotels and business class reviews of the world’s best airlines.
Here I publish travel diaries, reports from interesting and unusual places, photo reports, funny stories from life and travel, my thoughts on topics that concern me.
I research destinations myself without the need for a tour guide or packaged trip. That’s part of the fun – visiting the local library and selecting some travel guides, looking things up online and, of course, all the amazing tips I discover from fellow travel bloggers.
I love the planning, the anticipation, the journey, be it by plane, train, bus or boat and of course, the actual holiday and finally all the wonderful memories and experiences I bring home that live with me forever. That was the original reason why I created this blog so that I could have an online diary of my recent trips to look back on in the future. I’ve been surprised but thrilled that so many of you have taken an interest in my travels and enjoy reading about my trips – it’s very encouraging and makes me very happy! From starting as a hobby my blog has evolved into an award winning online travel resource providing inspiration to fellow travellers.
Also I do travel journalism, write articles about travel to magazines and online publications. Who is interested in viewing and reading my publications – welcome to my blog!
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